Quiz: What Christmas gifts should you get your uni mates?
Finding the right present for your mates can be tough. Source: Jeshoots.com/Unsplash

Christmas is almost upon us. Universities have mostly broken up for the holidays right now, but you are unable to relax since you left your gift shopping to the very last minute.

Finding the perfect gift to send just the right message to people near and dear is no easy feat. Same goes to buying gifts for your mates at university. These are the peeps you saw most throughout 2018; in lecture halls, in the library and after knocking down too many pints at the student union. For those good times, you want to give them a dose of cheer to open up on Christmas day.

If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place. Our nifty little quiz will get you started on the right gift-shopping foot for the next few (crucial) days!

1. Is your friend from abroad?

Bambi Corro on Unsplash

2. What course are they studying?

Miguel Henriques on Unsplash

3. How much time do you guys spend at the Student Union or the pub?


4. On a scale of one to 10, how would you rate your friend's emotional intelligence level? (One being low, 10 being high)


5. Do ethics and sustainability rank highly on your friend's list of priorities?


6. Is he or she enrolled in a course that requires long hours at the library?

7. Which of the following best describes him or her?


What Christmas gifts should you get your uni mates?
A book!

There's nothing your friend would love more than a book - especially one that makes that a particularly difficult module they are taking that much easier. We recommend Tom Wright and Bradley Hope's "Billion Dollar Whale" for business and finance students, Hans Rosling's "Factfulness" for those in the humanities, and Samuel C Florman's "The Existential Pleasures of Engineering" for engineering students.
A hangover cure!

What better way to show you care for your fun-loving, beer-guzzling friend than a gift that soothes those pounding hangover headaches and pains? There are many products in the market today, but we suggest sticking with simple ones that don't require too much effort for the days when opening their eyes is a struggle. Something like hangover teas, a box of aspirin, or a peppermint or lavender bath bomb.
A balm for the soul!

University can be a tough time for many. Whether it's for your mate from abroad who's staying on campus, the one with no family to celebrate with this year with or just generally anyone going through a tough time, we can't speak more highly for The School of Life's merchandise, full of guidance and advice on some of life’s most challenging psychological situations.
A donation!

For the resident do-gooder in your group, nothing would surprise and delight them more than knowing that you made a donation in their name to a cause close to their hearts. This can take the form of a straightforward cash donation, reserving a place at a shelter for the homeless, or any other form of gift that gives back.
An essential library kit!
This is one hard-to-please mate, but one common denominator stands out between you both: you're university students who use the library a lot. Whether it's finals season or close to an assignment deadline, you can bet that a really good set of headphones, effective thermos and a powerbank will come in useful for those marathon library study sessions.

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