In the realm of academia, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) stands tall as a beacon of inspiration and empowerment for the next generation of thinkers, dreamers, and changemakers. Committed to excellence, this esteemed institution has carved a niche for itself in nurturing and equipping graduates from the humanities and social sciences fields to make profound impact in their careers and lives.
The stories of students and graduates shed insight on how UWTSD achieves this.
Matthew Cowley
Originally from the Berkshire area, Matthew Cowley grew up a nervous child. Deciding on a university was anything but simple. Visits failed to give him a sense of comfort until he stumbled upon UWTSD in Lampeter. “Within my first five minutes of the open day, I turned to my parents and told them I wanted to study here,” he says.
Such is the effect that UWTSD has on students. The university boasts a seamless enrollment process and a remarkable ability to support them from the get-go until long after graduation. This is evident from Cowley’s experience, as upon completing his undergraduate degree, he immediately dived into a master’s programme without hesitation. His academic journey centred around Medieval Studies, a passion kindled by his love for fantasy video games.
Cowley attributes much of his engagement and growth to the influence of Dr. Harriett Webster, her fascinating modules and how she always made herself available for guidance. Reflecting on his experience, Cowley shares, “Even months after submitting my thesis, Dr. Webster was willing to meet with me to discuss potential PhD options.”
While the pursuit of a doctorate lies on the horizon, Cowley currently finds it difficult to leave the institution that’s shaped him in many ways, academically and personally. Today, he serves as an Alumni Officer for UWTSD’s Lampeter campus, answering questions from graduates and keeping them informed about on-campus events and developments.
Raymond Kenneth Adcock
Raymond Adcock’s journey to UWTSD was less about employability and more about personal fulfilment. Having served as a police officer for over three decades, his life took an unexpected turn when he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease (MND), prompting his early retirement in 2016 and relocation to France. However, in 2019, Adcock received the surprising news that he did not have MND after all.
“Finding myself ‘retired’ and now not expecting to die in the near future, my wife wanted to return to the UK to spend more time with our children and grandchildren,” he says.
With newfound clarity and a lease on life, Adcock recognised the mental and physical strength he possessed and embraced the opportunity to pursue further qualifications. His lifelong interest in Wales and Welsh culture was a driving force, compelling him to immerse himself in both. Joining UWTSD has benefited him in many ways and Adcock now wishes he had made the move to Wales earlier.
“I have really enjoyed learning about the origins of the Celts, but the most enjoyable and stimulating module has been ‘Celtic sanctity, spirituality and hagiography’,” he enthuses.
“Our tutor, Prof. Jane Cartwright has been fantastically supportive. I visited her at Lampeter, and her enthusiasm for Welsh saints has been inspiring. Overall, the Celtic Studies (MA) has been a highly rewarding experience, intellectually, spiritually and culturally, and I often recommend it to friends.”
Krystyna Cap
Flexibility set Krystyna Cap’s heart on UWTSD. Choosing its online delivery option meant she would be able to broaden her intellectual horizons while maintaining her full-time job. Reflecting on her beginnings as a student, she highlights the support and resources that were constantly made available to her.
“The online access to module recordings when lectures could not be attended virtually, the assistance with assignment development through online discussion forums, and the unparalleled access to online journals, e-books and other resources through library services made for a seamless student experience,” she says.
Without a worry in mind, she was able to formalise her self-directed studies on the captivating subjects of astronomy and astrology. It was Dr. Nicholas Campion’s work that first made her aware of the Cultural Astronomy and Astrology (MA). “UWTSD’s programme was the only one of its kind that I could find, offering a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of astronomy and astrology, including its history and culture,” she says.
Cap found her classes riveting — in the History of Astrology module, they explored intricate topics, spanning from the ancient Mesopotamian world to the present, unravelling the rich tapestry of astrology’s historical evolution. Meanwhile, the “Foundations in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology” module presented her with thought-provoking interdisciplinary approaches, exploring diverse subjects such as cosmology, soul and psyche in classical philosophy, and the nuanced relationship between astronomy and culture.
“To date, my UWTSD experience has been exceptional,” she says. “I would not hesitate to recommend the programme to other students who share a similar interest in exploring humanity’s fascination with the sky.”
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