Source: Swansea University
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Take your passion for engineering to new heights at Swansea University

For some, choosing a career isn’t just about finding a job: it’s about creating a path that allows them to address the global challenges that we’re facing, solve problems with innovative ideas, and have a positive impact on both industry and the planet.

As a nationally and globally recognised centre of excellence, the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Swansea University is an ideal starting point for aspiring engineers and scientists to launch fulfilling careers that make a difference.

Hear from two graduates on how Swansea University got them ready for the next steps in their professional and personal journeys.

Rhiannon Gooding, Mechanical Engineering, MEng (Hons)

As a child, Rhiannon Gooding was curious about how things worked — so much so she developed a strong interest in subjects like maths, science, and design technology at school. These interests only grew stronger throughout her schooling years and persisted all the way to university.

“I chose to study mechanical engineering as it seemed to be the broadest of all engineering subjects offered at Swansea University. Therefore, [that] was the most appealing to me as I did not have an interest in any specific area of engineering at that time,” Rhiannon shares.

A campus visit during an Open Day affirmed her decision to study engineering here. “I really enjoyed the new and fresh feeling that the campus had, having only opened the previous year,” she says.

Modules were engaging, thanks to lecturers who had her back every step of the way. Dr. Peter Dorrington was her Academic Mentor when she first joined Swansea and later her Dissertation Project Supervisor in both her third year and master’s year. “I found him very supportive during these times,” says Rhiannon.

Industrial placements gave her the necessary experience for the professional world. “I feel that this is particularly beneficial as it allows students to explore different aspects of the engineering industry before committing to a full-time job, but also aids students in an academic sense as they have a better understanding of how engineering principles are applied in the real world,” she says.

Source: Swansea University

A campus visit during an Open Day affirmed one student’s decision to study engineering at Swansea University. Source: Swansea University

Rachel Johnson, Mechanical Engineering, MEng (Hons)

Swansea University appealed to Rachel Johnson as it offered an Engineering Foundation Year — something that was hard to come about at the time. Like Rhiannon, a campus visit affirmed her decision to start building a future here. “Swansea really felt like a place I could move and feel comfortable in very quickly,” she shares.

Rachel made full use of her time at Swansea University. In the Zambia Expedition, she constructed a playground for an orphanage and helped with errands at a hospital. As part of Formula Student, she designed components that were manufactured and assembled on a race car.

A one-year industrial placement allowed her to learn valuable skills that were difficult to obtain in classrooms. She followed strict schedules — balancing daily tasks against long-term projects. “Seeing how many different teams collaborate to achieve the same goal gave me an important perspective on industry teamwork,” the mechanical engineering graduate shares about her time at GE Aerospace.

Today, Rachel is a full-time Strategic Propulsion Engineer at GE Aerospace, mainly focusing on the technical management of customer contracts. She is involved in fleet removal scheduling and improving engine performance to develop win-win scenarios for both GE Aerospace and its customers. “Surrounding this are opportunities for in-depth technical projects that have the potential to impact GE Aerospace globally,” she shares.

The graduate owes the role she landed to the Swansea Employability Academy, which is well-linked to industries hiring interns and graduates. Joining a mock assessment centre prepared her for interviews, a key milestone that helped her achieve the success that she has to date.

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