“There is an increasing body of literature demonstrating that interdisciplinary higher education best prepares graduates for the workplace, ensuring that they have the soft and intercultural skills to succeed.” – British Council, 2015
The modern world is one rife with possibilities. Dependant and connected by satellite and smart technology, society today has never been more intricately interwoven. As a result, arising from this global melting pot of cultures is a heightened demand for the highly-educated global citizen.
A wealth of recent research suggests that university graduates are increasingly required to possess ‘soft-skills’ by prospective employers – skills that are crucial to working in a globalised environment.
This is why institutions like Regent’s University London work hard to instil diverse global perspectives in the classroom. Serving as a hub of knowledge and insight, the institution hosts a community of aspiring minds from 140 nations, standing as the most international and culturally-varied institution in the UK.
“We are the largest and most diverse private university in Britain,” says Professor Aldwyn Cooper, Vice-Chancellor of the university.
“We are gaining increasing recognition from other universities, governments and employers around the world. This is hugely beneficial to our alumni, who want to be able to live, work and study internationally.
“Our graduates are marked out by competence in their subject areas and social skills, [confident] that they will succeed, they have excellent communication abilities, and are creative,” he adds. “Many of our students start their own businesses or bring new ideas to existing companies.”
After all, what better way to feed your understanding of a connected, global society than by studying in London – a place that has more than 300 languages spoken on its streets, more than any other city in the world.
London, a financial and cultural capital, is also a prime location in which to mingle with business experts, industry players, and potential funders – ideal for any aspiring business mogul. On top of this, you’ll have access to some of the globe’s foremost commercial hotbeds, international institutes, academic and professional bodies. Most of these resources and events are free for students, and are also easily accessible from Regents’ stunning campus.
But that’s not all; the city is also a global fashion and entertainment centre, with Regents’ students benefitting from these fast-evolving industries on the doorstep of their campus. This vibrant, multicultural city allows students to experience disparate lifestyles and outlooks, also presenting unparalleled opportunities that makes London a classroom extension.
A liberal arts education fosters the ability to think critically, solve complex problems and communicate effectively. Through a rich and holistic approach to education, the subjects delve into every aspect of the complex human experience, instilling in students a sense of personal and social responsibility.
“It’s an ever-changing and competitive world out there. If you want to make the most of it, then give yourself a wider outlook on life and career,” the faculty website notes. “Regent’s University’s renowned US-style Liberal Arts degree provides the flexibility to focus on a major area of study and pursue other subjects to diversify your education. You’ll be able to play to your strengths, while learning how to think creatively and analytically – all in the stunning environment of Regent’s parkland campus.”
From the BA (Hons) Liberal Studies in Art History, to Journalism, Media and Communications, Political Science, and beyond – these disciplines maintain interest and relevance in convoluted times.
Liberal arts graduates blend expertise in their chosen major with a range of abilities that prepare them for success in an era of rapid transition. As such, the broad-based liberal curriculum at Regent’s means students will gain the knowledge and capabilities needed to thrive now and, more importantly, long into the future. According to the British Council, 55 percent of world leaders kicked-off their legacy with a degree in liberal arts.
With the university’s long-standing reputation for delivering a high-quality education in the heart of the UK capital, you’d be hard-pushed to find a better place to pursue the liberal arts. Here, you will undertake a programme that perfectly combines two of the most influential higher education systems in the world – the US and UK.
Every year, Regents’ liberal arts participants benefit from a range of guest lectures from the full array of backgrounds and professions, enhancing the real-world context of your studies. On top of this, regular field trips to London venues bring learning to life, allowing students to apply learned concepts to this dynamic urban landscape.
Becoming part of Regents’ global student body gives you the chance to forge unforgettable memories with lifelong friends, practising your language skills and learning about different cultures as you become immersed in the warmth of British life. At every stage of your education journey, you’ll find the chance to build a professional network that spans the globe, giving you an edge over fellow graduates as you enter working life.
“With our renowned culture of cosmopolitanism, with a curriculum that has been carefully refined over 20 years, Regent’s is indeed ‘the best kept secret in British higher education’,” the Regent’s Faculty concludes.
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