Who has time to work out in college? Between assignments and exams, socialising and internships, classes and group discussions, it can be hard to find time to even sleep! And whenever you get some free time, Netflix in bed sounds way more appealing than physical work at a gym…
But to stay healthy, every college student should find time for moderate and vigorous physical activity – preferably every day. Just 23 percent of US adults get enough exercise to meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise in their spare time, according to data from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics. This has worrying implications on whether we’ll be able to ward off the many illnesses associated with a lack of physical activity, such as hypertension and diabetes.
We believe there is a fitness regime to suit anyone and everyone. Take our quiz below to find out which fits your college schedule best!
1. How many days in a week would you be able to allocate for exercise?

2. How many hours would you be able to allocate on these days?

3. On a scale of one to ten, how stressful do you find college life? (One being the least stressful and ten for very stressful)

4. Are you easily motivated to work out?

5. What would you like to achieve from your fitness regime?

6. Will you be able to enjoy or endure an hour at the gym?

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