Are you familiar with these business buzzwords? Source: Rawpixel/ Unsplash
If you love the Study International quizzes as much as us – here’s another one for all you future business moguls!
This time, challenge your inner entrepreneur. If you want to succeed in a competitive graduate market, you’ll need to master all the current lingo and ensure your vocab stays on point. See if you can figure out the meaning of these business buzzwords that were extremely popular in 2018…
What does 'upwardly mobile' mean?
Source: Shutterstock
What does 'omnichannel' mean?
Source: Shutterstock
What does 'flearning' mean?
Source: Shutterstock
What does 'traction' mean?
Source: Shutterstock
What does 'game-changer' mean?
How well do you know these business buzzwords?
You're a brilliant business pro!
Well, that was easy for you wasn't it! Congratulations on being such a brilliant business pro - look out for our next buzzword quiz if you want to show off your knowledge again!
Perhaps another try?
Halfway there! Just another go at this quiz and you'll ace all the buzzwords in no time at all! Keep an eye out for more fun quizzes on Study International to learn even more key terms.
Oh no!
Don't worry - you can try this quiz again when you're ready! At least you now know a little bit more about the catchy business buzzwords of 2018...