Sorting your career: Find your best career based on your Hogwarts house

Hogwarts house
Did you know your Hogwarts house can help determine the best career for you? Source: AFP

We’ve all dreamed of that magical day when the owl arrives at our house with a Hogwarts acceptance letter. The excitement as you head to Diagon Alley to shop for your robes, wand, and maybe even a pet owl or toad.

Then, it’s time to board the Hogwarts Express and head to the school for the Sorting Hat ceremony, where you sit nervously, waiting to hear which Hogwarts house will become your new family.

Will you be in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin?

Unfortunately, as magical as it sounds, that Hogwarts letter isn’t coming — but don’t worry, the Harry Potter Wizarding World website has you covered. 

Thanks to their Sorting Hat quiz, you can still experience the thrill of being sorted into your house. The quiz asks you several (ok, many) fun, thought-provoking questions to figure out which Hogwarts house you truly belong to.

You’ll be asked about how you handle challenges: are you brave enough to face them head-on, or do you prefer a more strategic, clever approach?

They’ll ask about your values too — loyalty, ambition, or a thirst for knowledge.

Even your instincts come into play: would you explore a mysterious forest or follow a hidden trail to an unknown destination?

By the end of it, the quiz considers your answers and places you in the Hogwarts house that best suits your personality. 

It’s super fun and we highly recommend everyone to do it.

But this quiz is more than just for laughs. It can be pretty serious too.

Hogwarts house

A Hogwarts Express ticket is a ticket provided to all who were attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the first time. Source: AFP


When one-third of our lives are spent at work, we need to find which jobs fit us best. 

Most of us go blindly into jobs without fully understanding what we like and what we’re good at.

This is when your Hogwarts house can play a part in guiding your career path.

Each house’s unique qualities can help you identify professions that align with your strengths.

It’s a conversation you must have with yourself before going job-hunting on LinkedIn — so refer to the list of best jobs based on Hogwarts House below and good luck finding your perfect career soon.

Best jobs based on your Hogwarts house

Hogwarts house

Professor Albus Dumbledore, known to be one of the greatest wizards of all time, was a member of Gryffindor. Source: AFP


Gryffindor is known for producing some of the wizarding world’s brightest stars, including Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore. 

Gryffindors are known for being courageous leaders who take risks. If the Sorting Hat placed you in this house, it is likely because you have shown a willingness to stand up for others and challenge authority when necessary, proving that you are not afraid to face difficult situations head-on. 

One of the most important traits as someone in Gryffindor is courage. You are willing to face challenges and stand up for what you believe in, even when it’s difficult. Your determination helps you pursue your goals no matter what obstacles you face. You are not easily scared, making you a natural leader among your friends. You aren’t afraid to take steps that others are too afraid to just because it’s risky. 

Best careers for those in Gryffindor:

1. Doctor

As a doctor, your ability to face challenges head-on and your deep compassion for others will come in handy when you have to be on call for more than 24 hours. In medical school, you’ll also face situations that test your resolve, from long hours studying difficult subjects to making life-altering decisions for your patients.  

2. Firefighter

Each day on the job involves facing the unknown, rushing into burning buildings or dangerous situations to save lives and protect people. As someone in Gryffindor, your fearlessness will shine in these situations. 

3. Human rights activist

This job calls for standing up against injustice and advocating for those who can’t. Your Gryffindor spirit will fuel your passion for change, helping you to confront societal issues and fight for what’s right. This is useful when organising rallies, calling for policy changes, or raising awareness about human rights violations.

Hogwarts house

Did you know Cedric Diggory played by Robert Pattinson (right), was a member of Hufflepuff? Source: AFP


Hufflepuff is home to the most loyal, dedicated, trustworthy and hardworking students, with a reputation for producing the fewest dark witches and wizards among all the houses.

If you were sorted into this house, it is likely because you demonstrate a strong moral compass and a commitment to helping others.

In Hufflepuff, you also have a deep sense of fairness and justice. You believe in treating others with respect and understanding, regardless of their background. 

Best careers for those in Hufflepuff:

1. Nursing

As a nurse, your compassion and dedication will shine through as you provide hands-on care to those in need. With a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), you’ll learn not only about medical procedures but also about the importance of empathy and building relationships with patients. Your patience will be invaluable when helping patients cope with illness or injury, as you take the time to listen and reassure them.  

2. Social worker 

As a social worker, your hard work and commitment to making a difference are essential. A degree in social work is usually required, as this will equip you with the tools and knowledge to support families. You’ll be the one advocating for those who often feel powerless, whether it’s helping a family find housing, assisting someone in accessing mental health services, or supporting children in foster care.

Hogwarts house

Harry Potter World in London is the best way to explore the making of the Harry Potter movies. Source: AFP


This house is often home to the brainiest students. Ravenclaws think very out-of-the-box compared to the other houses and are always looking for creative ways to solve problems.

They will come up with the most innovative ideas that no one else could have thought of. They are known for their intellect and love for learning. Curiosity is one of their standout qualities as they are always seeking knowledge and enjoy exploring new ideas and concepts. 

You appreciate diverse perspectives and understand that different viewpoints can lead to richer discussions and discoveries. Your ability to listen carefully and think analytically makes you a great collaborator.  

Best careers for those in Ravenclaw:

1. Scientist

Whether you’re peering through a microscope to study cells or conducting experiments to understand climate change, your thirst for knowledge and insatiable curiosity make you perfect for the job. Typically, you’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree in a scientific discipline, like biology or chemistry, but most pursue a master’s or even a PhD to dive deeper into their chosen field.

2. Academic researcher 

If the thrill of discovering new ideas gets your heart racing, consider becoming an academic researcher. You’ll spend hours delving into literature, designing experiments, and analysing data — all tasks that a Ravenclaw is naturally inclined to excel at. A master’s or PhD is required for most subjects. 

3. Librarian

This career perfectly suits your wisdom and passion for sharing information with others. A degree in Library Science or Information Studies is typically required so you can best guide students through research projects or recommending the perfect book. 

Hogwarts house

Lord Voldemort, who was part of Slytherin, was considered to have been the most powerful and dangerous Dark wizard of all time. Source: AFP


While it is true that some dark witches and wizards have come from Slytherin, many of its members possess valuable qualities that are often overlooked. The Sorting Hat recognises ambition, cunning, and leadership potential in those sorted into this house.

Slytherins are extremely intelligent too — let’s not forget Draco Malfoy was second in his class. Ambition drives them, pushing them to strive for success in everything they do.

If you’re sorted into the same house as Severus Snape and Malfoy, this means you’re not afraid to pursue your goals and understand that sometimes you may need to take risks to achieve what you want.

Hogwarts house

Out of all the Hogwarts houses, Slytherins tend to be more ambitious, shrewd, cunning, and achievement-oriented. Source: AFP

Best careers for those in Slytherin

1. Lawyer

Your fierce determination and willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals will serve you well in the courtroom. Lawyers must be skilled at strategising and outmanoeuvring their opponents, and as a Slytherin, you thrive in competitive environments.

In the US, you will first need a Bachelor in Law degree followed by a Juris Doctor (JD) to master the art of persuasion, whether you’re defending a client or negotiating a settlement. 

2. Entrepreneur

If you prefer to carve your own path, consider becoming an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, you’ll have the freedom to chase your goals and build something from the ground up.

Whether it’s launching a tech startup or opening a trendy cafe, your ability to think strategically and overcome challenges will set you apart.

While a degree in business or a related field can be helpful, many successful entrepreneurs thrive on experience and creativity.

3. Politician

If you have a knack for persuasion and an understanding of power dynamics, you could excel as a politician. Slytherins are leaders, who know how to build alliances, and rally support for their initiatives – -just look at Lord Voldemort.

Typically you would need a degree in political science, law, or public administration is useful to excel in this role.