23 #StudentProblems you can totally relate to…


1. When you’re about to enter hibernation but your teacher keeps looking over…

2. Waking up with the academic blues…

3. When you realise who’s really to blame…

4. When classroom equipment is like gold dust on-campus…

5. When you know you genuinely could have done it better yourself…

6. The age-old dilemma…

7. When ‘studying’ takes over your life…

8. When the traffic cone becomes the bane of your poverty-stricken existence…

9. When you’re the only one struggling to maintain pace in the middle of Fresher’s week…

10. When your wardrobe is the only thing sitting between you and starvation…

11. When you get caught up in the 9am rush…

12. When the phrase ‘lose track of time’ has virtually no meaning…

13. When you utterly fail with the work-life balance…

14. This bittersweet breakthrough…

15. When your essay writing technique could do with a little work…

16. When you can’t read. Any. MORE….

17. When you’re struggling to remember why you took this module in the first place…

18. When push comes to shove and your brain can’t keep it together…

19. When very little counts as an excuse for procrastination…

20. When you realise this sad, sorry truth…

21. When sleep deprived becomes the only state in which you can properly function…

22. When you can’t remember a single thing you’ve achieved two months into the semester…

23. And when language barriers take assignment pains to beand new heights…

Image via Shutterstock

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