27 Jun 2016
Sometimes teachers can seem a little intolerant of modern-day internet culture, often in complete disregard of the fact that, when used properly, the Web provides one of the most powerful educational tools the world has ever known. So, next time your teacher decides to give you grief for the amount of time you spend with your eyes glued to a screen (**SIGH**), ranting on about how the internet is ‘rotting your mind’, introduce them to a few of these insightful GIFs and prepare to feel sufficiently smug!
1. This GIF that demonstrates exactly what happens to human blood after encountering lethal snake venom…
2. Ever wondered what an egg looks like when you crack it underwater?
3. This cool animation shows exactly how a slinky absorbs energy after being dropped…
4. This is how a crustacean sheds its exoskeleton when it grows too large to fit inside…
5. This one shows how the tendrils of a bean plant find an object to cling onto in order to support growth…
6. Then there’s this, which demonstrates how a Ladybug unleashes its wings before it flies away…
7. How about this awesome slow-mo footage showing a CD crack and shatter when it spins at 23,000RPM…
8. What about this demonstration of what happens inside the lock the moment you turn the key…
9. This oh-so-satisfying GIF showing how military camouflage is applied to a helmet…
10. And in case you didn’t know, this is what happens when you throw boiling hot water into -41c air…
11. Then there’s this one, which perfectly demonstrates the idea behind Pythagoras’ Theorum…
12. This one shows how a Cheetah turns quickly using the rotation of their tails, cancelling out rotational inertia and minimizing torque…
13. And this is what happens when a glacier collapses…
14. This one shows how a dog cleverly cups its tongue in order to drink water…
15. This one shows the process of a Caterpillar’s metamorphosis…
16. This shows a full day in the midst of arctic summer, when the sun never sets…
17. Another one showing how a chain link is formed…
18. In case you were wondering, this is what happens to a phone when you blast it in the microwave…
19. There’s a theory that claims the statues of Easter Island were walked to their positions – here’s how that would work…
20. Sulfur Hexaflouride is a gas much denser than air – here’s what would happen if it was poured into a floating boat…
21. Finally, check out the amazing camoflage of this lurking Octopus…
See, there you have it – sometimes the internet shows us more than we could ever learn within the four walls of a classroom.
Image via Flickr.