The end of the year is fast approaching and for many students, this can only mean one thing: Holiday season is near!
And as the semester break draws closer, you’re likely to have sat for exams and applied the finishing touches to your final assignments for submission. Well done!
Now, with most of the academic stuff sorted out, you’re almost ready to pack up and head back to your country or hometown to spend the festive season with family and friends.
But before you lock your hostel door for the one last time, we’ve prepared a list of seven things to remember before you go on holiday…just in case you forget.
1. Buy your flight, train, bus home tickets as early as possible
Doing so could potentially save you money to spend on the holidays instead and pretty much ensures that you don’t find yourself stranded if the flight is fully booked.
2. Don’t forget to pay your rent
Before you leave for the break, don’t forget to pay your rent and settle outstanding arrears with your landlord or student accommodation management. Also be sure to check that you’ve sorted all bills and charges so you don’t receive any unwanted (read: costly) surprises when you come back next semester.
3. Return your borrowed library books
Let’s face it, the issue of unreturned books has been around since the library came into existence (more than 5,000 years ago). Since then, librarians have employed the most effective “hit-them-where-it-hurts-most” method to stop losing books; the hefty fines. Sure, one or two loans doesn’t seem like a big deal, but if they’re unreturned for long periods, like the average one-to-three months duration for year-end holidays, then you can rake up a substantial fine.
4. Laptop adapters
In the haste to get home for the holidays, sometimes we forget to bring home crucial items that we often take for granted. One of them is the laptop power adapter or any other chargers with unique inputs for certain devices. Have you been to an Apple store lately? Those Macbook Air adapters you might have left behind (but so desperately need) could set you back anywhere between US$25-US$75 a pop!
5. Set aside extra cash
Having additional funds (after you’ve saved) could make the biggest difference for your holidays. If you’re returning to a country which is far away from your place of study, you might want to use this extra cash to buy small gifts for your family and friends – perfect with Christmas is near as well. Also, having extra funds means you’re also prepared for unexpected costs in the case of flight delays or any other travel-related incidents.
6. Turn all of your appliances off
Whether you’re coming back to the same room or house next semester or leaving the place for good, be sure to turn off all heaters and unplug electrical devices. If you have a fridge, clear it out first before unplugging it and clean it before turning it off so it doesn’t smell when you start using it again several months down the line.
7. Have a good break
Student breaks tend to stretch anywhere between a month to three months on average, so be sure you make most of it by catching up on rest and touching base with your loved ones. Remember, holidays rarely last this long once you’ve graduated and started work – so kick back and enjoy!
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