Chinese universities are rushing to teach, research and promote courses teaching the premier’s political thought, according to Quartz
The move came after the Chinese Communist Party enshrined Xi’s name and his political doctrine in the ruling party’s Constitution last week. Around 20 universities are establishing research centres revolving around this, or what is called as “Xi Jinping Thought”.
First to do so was the elite Renmin University in Beijing, just one day after the 19th National Congress concluded. A school official said that the newly established research centre will “help universities around the country incorporate Xi Thought into their textbooks and introduce it to their classrooms, as well as into students’ minds.”
Chinese universities establish Xi Jinping Thought institutes to help Xi's ideas ‘enter students’ hearts and minds’ https://t.co/EcMqEgKExk
— South China Morning Post (@SCMPNews) October 30, 2017
South China Morning Post reports that the research institutes will push for the Thought to be practised in all aspects of daily life, instead of being coddled away in “ivory towers”.
“We will gather many experts and professors to disseminate and preach Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in businesses, neighbourhoods and villages,” says Jiang Hongxin of Hunan Normal University to People’s Daily, the party mouthpiece. Jiang heads his university’s newly founded Xi Thought research centre.
Xi had first read his “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era” in his three-hour speech at the opening of the party’s twice-a-decade party congress on October 8.
This theory, and Xi’s name, were later written into the party’s ideology as a “guide to action” at the end of the 19th party congress. The founder of modern China, Mao Zedong, is the only other person to be accorded the same treatment while still in power.
Xi Jinping Thought is a broad and aspirational political and military ideology to guide the Chinese Communist Party. It comprises 14 parts, such as “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, national security and “co-existence” with nature, among others.
The Thought will not only be taught in universities, but will be implemented in all areas of government, state enterprises and party organs. It will be a mantra for a new generation, according to the SCMP.
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