Why it's important to embed software development skills early on in education
Is software development now an essential part of the education system? Source: Mimi Thian/Unsplash

As universities are increasingly focused on producing graduates with an entrepreneurial flair and a drive to keep the startup scene running, educators are questioning the need for software development skills in early academic frameworks.

By adopting a deep understanding of software development, there’s a chance that young students will one day establish sustainable, tech-savvy companies and innovative initiatives.

If teachers were to switch up the curriculum and introduce technological terminology and practice-based lessons, would students feel more confident in their digital abilities?

Due to its relevance to the digital age and the education sector, this topic recently arose at the World Trade Organisation Public Forum (2018). 

As various speakers at the event decided to bring the importance of teaching students about technological innovation to light, it’s clear that schools and universities around the world are starting to feel the pressure on keeping their curriculum relevant and up-to-date.

What are Software Development skills?

If you’re wondering what the term ‘software development’ refers to in today’s world, here are the six key phases of the process that you should know:

  • Requirement gathering and analysis
  • Design
  • Implementation or coding
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance

Once you break software development into the six categories above, you’ll begin to picture the benefits of the topic for young students.

By acquiring analytical skills, design techniques, the ability to code and niche knowledge about maintenance, the return of academic investment from studying software development is obvious.

Because of software development, online platforms are thriving, social media is alive and this article exists!

Is it a good idea to implement software development early on in education?

On the one hand, software development skills will broaden student minds.

On the other hand, there’s the threat of driving too fast towards tech-based education.

For young learners, the early stages of education needs to be stable for a balanced growth mindset to evolve. So, if they’re swept up in software development subjects and other technological topics, what will happen to more traditional forms of learning?

Will they become too dependent on digital devices and neglect their natural intellect?

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