The world of business is no longer confined by national borders. Trade wars, geopolitical conflicts, and shifting economic alliances all have a ripple effect on companies, demanding a new breed of leader — one with a global perspective and the agility to navigate complex, nuanced environments.
The ripple effects of recent conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East have extended far beyond these regions, with calls to boycott companies hurting sales and causing up to double-digit decrease in stock value. Starbucks faced protests and redundancies in parts of the Middle East and Asia. McDonald’s left Russia for good after 30 years.
These are just two examples — there are many other sources of tension and pressure from governments, international organisations and societies. To anticipate, navigate and emerge triumphant from these geopolitical and economic challenges, business leaders need a deep understanding of the Global landscape.
TRIUM Global Executive MBA (EMBA) is offered jointly by three of the world’s leading universities: the London School of Economics and Political Science, New York University Stern School of Business and HEC Paris, the programme has been a top-tier Global EMBA since its inception. Today, it’s ranked #1 in the QS Executive MBA rankings and #4 in the world by the Financial Times.
Such successful performance in league tables is due to the EMBA’s ability to empower business leaders to meet the moment. The programme mirrors the ever-evolving global business landscape, equipping senior executives with insights into the contexts, challenges, and opportunities that define business in today’s turbulent world. You’ll learn the latest thinking and best practices — these are as comprehensive as they are contemporary.
“In a narrow and short-term sense, geopolitics manifests itself as political risk, but in a wider long-term sense, geopolitical trends shape the future evolution of global markets, supply chains, technological innovations and consumer preferences,” says Professor Robert Falkner, Professor of International Relations and the Academic Dean of the TRIUM Global Executive MBA.
Leading any global business today requires a firm grasp of any and all challenges impacting production, consumption, and sustainability. The EMBA addresses trends like energy transition, deglobalisation, demographic shifts, digitisation, and innovation — and goes one step further by equipping students with breakthrough ideas, tools and strategies to overcome them.
Class of 2019 graduate Dr. Martin Hoffman, Volkswagen Group’s Head of Group (HR Digitalisation, Consulting Centre and Recruiting) reflects, “One of the major advantages I see in TRIUM is the strong connection between social and economic values,” he says. “Compared with other programmes, TRIUM lectures are designed to educate the participants not only on the pure content of theories and practical insights, but also on the ability to be a critical consumer of data and information. By addressing different perspectives and adding a political, social, and in some cases, a moral reflection about the learning content, the discussions in and outside the classes help to shape a global mindset.
International events and policies change rapidly, and no degree can provide a full roadmap or instruction manual. Thus, alongside exploring a wide range of examples and case studies, the EMBA also equips executives with the toolkit to navigate headwinds by tapping into geopolitical expertise provided by the world’s foremost thought leaders in this field, including the unparalleled insights offered by LSE.
For example, China’s is a major player in the Global economy and LSE Economics Professor Keyu Jin shares her perspectives as part of the TRIUM Connects Podcast series. In Reading China in the Original she observes that “You need to read China in the original…not through the lens of Western, capitalistic assumptions about economic development but see it for what it does within its own terms. Professor Mick Cox’s podcast “War in Ukraine: The Limits and Strengths of an Interdependent World” is equally informative. It explores the unfolding tragic war in Ukraine and whether it signals the end the age of international order, growing prosperity, and relative peace created by a rules-based international system.
Add a cohort of over 30 nationalities, individuals from 20 business sectors, faculty members who influence policy debates at home and abroad, and modules the provide a 360-degree of business, and you have an unmatched learning experience.