
Trafalgar Castle School in Canada offers a rigorous means of preparing for a successful university career to students in Grades 5 to 12. All courses have been carefully designed to prepare young women for post-secondary education through focus on effective communication, the ability to access and evaluate information and critical thinking skills.

Academic prowess

As part of its mission to develop the next generation of world leaders, Trafalgar Castle use ‘Connected Classroom’ technology to deliver appropriate components of the curriculum and, in the process, encourage its students to cultivate the technological skills integral to success within current society.

All courses meet and exceed the Ontario Ministry of Education’s requirements, and are taught by a highly experienced, competent and dedicated faculty. Students are encouraged to arrange their selection of courses to meet the appropriate Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) requirements.

Class sizes are carefully monitored to ensure that each student has access to sufficient attention from their teacher; the small school setting enables members of staff to engage with their students and support them as they strive to achieve their full potential.

World-class curricula

Little Red Schoolhouse: University of Chicago

In addition to its traditional curriculum options, Trafalgar Castle School also offers The Little Red Schoolhouse: University of Chicago Writing Program. This program, which is available to all first-year students at the University of Chicago, focuses on learning how to write clearly, keeping the reader’s perspective in mind. Drawing on the notion that the majority of readers intuitively notice the difference between good and bad writing, Little Red Schoolhouse defines principles of clear writing, which students are then taught to apply to their own work.

Exchange Program

Another unique opportunity available through Trafalgar Castle School is their Exchange Program, a stimulating and rewarding chance for students in Grades 8 and 11 to travel to one of their partner institutions in Canada, Australia, Spain South Africa or Chile. Students travel to their exchange destination and experience the culture, educational style and day-to-day environment of their host school; following this, the exchange partner is invited to experience life and learning at Trafalgar.

Singapore Math

With only 700 square km of landmass and a population of 5 million, Singapore consistently appears at the top of league tables and subject-specific rankings owing to its outstanding mathematics results; notably, Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Key to Singapore’s success in this area is the fact that it slows the learning process, ensuring that students are comprehensively grounded in the fundamental principles of the discipline before progressing.

Consequently, Trafalgar Castle has introduced Singapore Math to their curriculum, which is offered to students in Grades 5 and 6 and enables each individual to progress at their own speed. Teachers monitor the results and success of their students as they flourish, emulating their peers in Singapore.

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