It’s easy to succeed in a school that wants you to — just ask one of the many ambitious students at The Webb School.
You’ll find them in rural Bell Buckle, Tennessee, on a campus where distractions are few and opportunities are plenty. Founded in 1870, the historic institution offers everything it can — and a little more — to ensure its learners are thoroughly prepared to live and maintain lives of honour and integrity in university and beyond. This is a commitment they renew annually by signing a pledge titled “The Honour Code,” which dates back to Webb’s founding over a century ago.
The pledge of success aside, its welcoming environment — with 400 students representing 23 different countries and 15 US states — was an encouraging sight for Jahnavi Kameka. “I chose Webb because I firmly believed that was where I belonged,” says the Jamaican student. “When I first stepped onto campus it felt like home and I also got along well with who I encountered on my visit which pushed me even further to attend.”
“True enough, my first day at Webb was a great experience. Today, everyone is still super welcoming and understanding. They will 100% dedicate their time to you for however long you need.”
Kameka is currently in Grade 11, enjoying a stress-free road to higher education — something Webb is historically excellent at providing. Here, guidance intensifies the closer students get to take their next academic step. Preparation begins as early and seventh grade and continues through to graduation in 12th grade.
When students first arrive to campus, the College Counsellor team of Mr. Chadd Bridwell and Ms. Jena Jones start preparing students, as well as the entire family for both the rigour and excitement that come with applying for college. They are always willing to impart valuable insights on curriculum choices, PSAT expectations, ACT and SAT test prep courses, university affordability options, and provide general overviews of college life.
Students are introduced to Scoir, the online college planning tool, and YouScience, a suite of brain games and mind quizzes to assist with career and interest inventories. They also have access to Method Test Prep, and online tool to help increase standardized test scores.
As students enter the upper school, they are introduced to even more challenging academics to maximise the signature Webb college preparatory journey. This period is 100% tailored to ensure every learner is able to excel in their areas of interest while relishing in leadership and service-learning opportunities. Webb’s offers 21 AP courses which cover the foundational basics like Science, Maths, History, World Languages, English, Fine Arts and Social Sciences. Webb students are also eligible to take dual enrollment college credit courses during their junior and senior years.
The collective curriculum is just as engaging as it is rigorous. “I really enjoy all of my classes,” confirms Madison Chin from Jamaica. “I would have to say that my most memorable class was my English class with Mr. Smith. It was fun and intriguing. I loved the material and the people in the class, and he is just a great teacher.”
Today, Grade 11 student Chin is in the process of selecting the university of her dreams. Alongside her expert faculty, she is narrowing down options by looking into her intended majors and attending several college recruiting events. She is visiting many college campuses to pinpoint which will provide her with the same sense of home that Webb did.
When she enters Grade 12 with a solidified list in hand and a clear game plan, her Webb mentors will begin the process of exploring her financial aid options. They will also introduce her to various programming related to interviewing, essay writing, and professional etiquette.
With a world-class system in place, it’s little wonder why Webb continuously succeeds in maintaining its 100% college acceptance rate. Today, its students can be found thriving in some of the most esteemed colleges and universities in the world.
The lineup includes Boston University, Durham College, Emory University, George Washington University, Johns Hopkins University, New York University, Northeastern University, Pennsylvania State University, University of California-Berkeley, the University of Chicago, University of Southern California, Tulane University, Vanderbilt University, and Yale University, amongst many others.
Wherever they go, Webb graduates arrive ready. Most credit their confidence to the school’s Emerging Voices programme — an initiative set in place to help students learn the art of creating original ideas, assembling a body of research, and communicating these ideas effectively through writing and public speaking. The programme encourages students to showcase their newfound skills every year by giving them a platform to perform declamations, orations, performance creations, and senior paper presentations.
To learn more about the outcomes your child deserves, click here to uncover the accomplishments keeping Webb students in a celebratory mood; or click here instead to find out everything you need to know about admissions.
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