Christmas tree
Would you dress as a Christmas tree round your campus? Source: ifreestock/Unsplash

Students: be careful what you tweet. When 20-year-old University of Alabama student Kelsey Hall tweeted a photo of her in a Christmas tree costume she didn’t anticipate wearing it all semester.

After Hall’s mother bought her the outfit because she “loves Christmas”, she took to Twitter to share her festive spirit. “1,000 retweets and I’ll wear this to all my classes for the rest of the semester,” Hall joked in her tweet.

Nearly 30,000 retweets later and Hall is not disappointing on campus.

On Monday, Hall made her way into lectures on campus dressed – as promised – in her Christmas tree costume.

“I definitely did not think I would get 1,000 retweets,” Hall said speaking with People, “I thought it was a very unrealistic number. The most retweets I have ever got before was, maybe, five.”

“My mom got me the costume because I love Christmas, and she thought it was funny,” Hall said. “I took this picture and thought it would just be funny to post, but I had no idea that I would actually have to wear this, so that’s why I said I would wear it for the rest of the semester.”

Hall’s fame has spread far and wide across campus. Students have been looking out for her and posing for photographs. The school mascot even managed to sneak in a quick photo-shoot with her.

Hall said on Twitter she is doing this “just to bring a little joy to people while they are studying for finals”. And she is certainly delivering.

“I definitely got weird looks on campus,” she told Buzzfeed.

Among all this festivity and chaos, Hall is soldiering on despite the bad weather and sideways glances. At least she has kept her sense of humour – even if it could be at the cost of her sanity!

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