One dorm at Santa Clara University is asking students to consider their white privilege. Source:

A dorm at Santa Clara University is raising awareness about white privilege in an attempt to end racial microaggression on campus.

The campaign taking place in McLaughlin-Hall dormitory encourages students to understand that ‘whiteness’ is an ingrained social construct that is subconsciously played out in everyday interactions.

“Race has no scientific basis,” says the display, explaining “we learn and conform to the ideology as we are socialized into the world,” according to Campus Reform.

The display adds whiteness “is about power” and it “is often invisible to white people, [who are] perpetrating inequalities”.

International students are often the subject of marginalization on campus, as they are often from different races and cultures from the majority of students in the United States

The display at Santa Clara University encourages white students to educate themselves on racial issues and using their whiteness to advocate for other races.

McLaughlin-Hall dormitory says on its website it is committed to exploring diversity and inclusion to help students reach their potential.

“The exploration, understanding and appreciation of diversity are fostered through courses, co-curricular programming and residential programming,” says their website.

“We strongly believe that exposure and understanding of different ways of thinking is essential to reaching one’s potential.”

The display also encourages students to find out if they have a subconscious racial bias using Harvard University’s “Implicit Bias Test” and explore the University of Calgary’s resource page to help white students understand their privilege.

Alex Stewart, an Economics student at Santa Clara University, told Campus Reform: “Santa Clara markets themselves as a university for all, but values only those who agree with their line of thinking. It feels like they are shaming people for their skin color.

“Time and time again Santa Clara has prioritized diversity of appearance over diversity of viewpoints. It is degrading the quality of the university.”

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