Have you noticed that some of your peers seem to learn differently than you do? Some might need to listen to music while studying, while others furiously take notes in class. The truth is, there are many different learning styles, and each of us perceive and absorb information differently.
Knowing what kind of learner you are can help you greatly in college, as you can tailor your revision techniques to suit your style. Take this quiz and find out how you learn best!
Do you prefer listening to a lecture or reading from a textbook?
Source: Shutterstock
Do you enjoy making and looking at charts, diagrams, graphs, videos, and other visual aids when studying?
Source: William Iven on Unsplash
Do you need to take frequent breaks when studying, or find yourself feeling restless during a lecture?
Source: Shutterstock
Do you find yourself asking your professor a lot of questions, or doing alot of research about a particular subject matter in order to understand it?
Source: Shutterstock
Do you find it easy to remember song lyrics after you've heard them?
Source: Shutterstock
What kind of learner are you?
Visual Learner
It looks like you're a visual learner! Visual learners learn best by reading, and using charts, maps, graphs, diagrams, and other visual aids. By using these, visual learners can absorb and understand a subject matter better. Basically, you need to see the information to understand it. When information is presented to you in these visual forms, you learn best instead of spoken words. If this sounds like you, try arranging your notes using graphic organisers such as flow charts and graphs when studying. It will also help you recall information better when you perceive it this way.
Auditory Learner
Auditory learners like yourself learn better through listening cues. You find it easier to absorb information when you hear it, rather than read it from a textbook. You prefer listening to audio or video clips or discussing a topic, as it helps you understand better. Auditory learners must be able to hear what is being said in order to understand, rather than reading or writing, as their brain uses auditory cues to retain and comprehend information.
You may also find it easier to memorise information if it’s presented in a jingle or song. Make use of your learning style by using it to your advantage when studying. Try recording a lecture so you can play it back later when revising, watching videos related to the subject matter, or discuss with your professor or peers.
Kinaesthetic learner
Kinaesthetic learning (or tactile learning) is learning through touch and movement. These kind of learners get bored and can't retain information when they have to sit still in the classroom, as their body needs to move in one way or the other in order to focus. Some kinaesthetic learners need to doodle, so their hand is busy moving which actually helps them to remember and pay attention to the lecture. Some needs to move around or as teachers would say, ‘fidget’ in the classroom. They learn better by doing, whereby reading and writing is not as effective for them. You prefer subjects where you're actually doing something, such as art, crafts, woodworking, and lab work. If you find it difficult to concentrate in class, try bring a stress ball to class. Take frequent breaks when studying to go for a walk or move around.
Logical Learner
The logical learning style is sometimes referred to as the mathematical learning style. Logical learners need to apply logic to guide their intake of specific information by seeing connections and relationships between ideologies and concepts. By using deductive reasoning and making calculations, these kind of learners better understand the information and may have difficulty understanding abstract subjects such as philosophy or art. Things need to make sense to them in order for them to later remember or comprehend them, and they are usually investigative by nature, as they need to see the workings of a particular concept to grasp it better. They enjoy puzzles and complex games (like chess), as the process of figuring things out and using strategy is what triggers and activates their brainwaves. They understand better with facts and logical reasoning rather than opinions.