In Tweets: Thoughts people had about college love after watching #Hurtbae
Keep him or dump him? Image via Shutterstock.

“He cheated on her. Now she wants to know why.”

On Valentine’s Day, released a viral video featuring a pair of ex-lovers confronting each other on the infidelity that broke their relationship. It was raw, unflinchingly honest and struck a nerve with all who have gone through the same.

It started in college. At first, Leonard and Kourtney were friendly classmates but she did not like him then. A few years later, they met again and fell in love … but not for long.

Once, she went to his room and there was someone else there. He told her to leave.

In the video, when she asked him, “How many times did you cheat on me?”

He replied: “I, I, I don’t know… I wasn’t counting.”

Looking overcome, Kourtney had to leave her seat to compose herself:

“What did you do?,” she asked.

“I did everything … I had sex with other girls. I did everything,” he responds without taking his eyes off of his ex.

In the end and in an act of grace, Kourtney said she forgave him “… because you were my best friend”.

All these were too much for the Internet, enraging many, triggering memes and sparking oh-so-many feels. Kourtney quickly became known as #Hurtbae, while Leonard was deemed rather unfavourably, to say the least.

Image via Twitter/@Kingsleyyy.

There were deeper discussions on love and how men treat women, which carried on late into the night and the next day.

The Twitter debate got another angle going: college love and relationships. Is this the right age for a serious relationship? Do men and women treat relationships differently, and to what degree?

To find out, we played Detective Cupid to see what people have to say about love on campus. Here’s what we found:

1. Many identified with Kourtney aka #Hurtbae:

2. They wanted justice for #Hurtbae for being treated like that in college.

3. A small gender divide popped up – some men thought Leonard was just like any boy in a college relationship, while women felt Kourtney went through a big injustice.

4. Young love may be the purest, but there was cynicism nonetheless:

5. Love will trump even the best of us:

6. But however bad it is, you will come out stronger and more intelligent in love (it’s scientifically proven by Binghamton University).

As proof, look at #HurtBae now:

Our thoughts on #HurtBae? Love is like college – it will be difficult but it will also be the most wonderful thing that happens to you.

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