How do new technologies like blockchain or artificial intelligence impact your business? How can you make more of all the data for the digital transformation strategies of your company? Questions like these are key to the executive courses EIT Digital Professional School is offering in collaboration with renowned partners. Learn how to use emerging technologies for your business.
The EIT Digital Professional School has a reputation of educating state chief education officers, chief information officers, project managers, innovation managers and so on to become digital-savvy. According to McKinsey (2018) companies with digital-savvy leaders are more likely to achieve digital transformation success with and within their companies.
“It is EIT Digital’s mission to build a strong digital Europe with the partners in our ecosystem”, says Roberto Prieto, Chief Education Officer of EIT Digital.
Within the EIT Digital Professional School this mission is providing means to this mission. The portfolio of eleven courses is developed to educate current business leaders, managers and professionals to seeing business opportunities in emerging technologies. “After all, in the fast-moving world of today, everyone is a lifelong student”, says Asja Kamenica, head of the EIT Digital Professional School.
Blended format
The eleven executive courses are being held twice in 2021. All courses have a spring and a winter edition in a blended format. This means that a part of the course is online and the other part of the course is being held in a (virtual) classroom. The provided courses are centered around the topics of Digital Transformation, emerging technologies, and Industry 4.0.
Digital Transformation
Digitalisation is top of mind among many business and organisational leaders in both the public and private sectors today. Henrik Blomgren, associate professor in industrial management at KTH Executive School, says that digital transformation is essential for any type of business wanting to survive in the long run. “Businesses looking to harness the power of digitalisation need to develop a method of understanding about what is happening in the industrial business landscape due to its ‘arrival’. In the course Get ahead in the Ongoing Digital Transformation, course takers get the framework for “What to do now rather than later?” roadmap.
A related course to this topic is Sustainable Digital Innovation. This is a collaboration with EIT Digital, KTH Executive School and Fraunhofer IPK. As the name already suggests this 4-days class will help c-level managers to embrace sustainability with digital solutions into their business planning and product development.
In addition, decision-makers, managers and IT managers can also take the professional course Digital Transformation and Social Challenges that the University of Trento will plan for 2021 to learn to generate digital transformation impact.
Emerging Technologies
Digital transformation is all about implementing new technologies. The Professional School has therefore several specific courses on these emerging technologies. The first course in the planning is the Blockchain for the Decision Maker, starting on 19 April and 8 November. The global blockchain market size for blockchain is expected to grow from USD 3.0 billion in 2020 to USD 39.7 billion by 2025, at an impressive Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 67.3% during 2020–2025, estimates Markets and Markets. Getting a grip on the advantages and essentials of blockchain is there relevant to decision-makers to define what blockchain can do for their company.
In manufacturing, blockchain is expected to be a key solution in digital manufacturing, with an estimated added value of 170 billion dollars by 2025, estimates Gartner. If you are working in manufacturing and logistics it certainly is worth to learn how to save costs, explore business opportunities and work together with other companies using blockchain. This is key in the executive course Blockchain for Digital Manufacturing and Logistics, developed by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, that starts on 27 May and 22 November.
Artificial Intelligence
Decision-makers should also learn about the business impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In fact, “AI should be part of the strategic agenda in business”, says Ulf Änggård, director of AI initiatives at KTH Executive School in Stockholm. He believes that AI will become a central feature of doing business, he says in an interview. Therefore, the course Business Implications of AI will give decision-makers an understanding of the business opportunities of AI so that they can make the right business decisions.
Data science
Big Data is another buzzword that companies cannot ignore. The more digital tools companies are using, the more data they collect. Using these data strategically can move the business forward and even gain a competitive edge. How that can be done is being taught at the Applied Data Science course that EIT Digital’s partner Bright Cape is teaching in June and November. Since business adoption is, according to the teacher and senior data scientist at Bright Cape Daphne van Leeuwen, one of the key success factors of data science projects, the course embeds both strategic orientation on data science as well as the practical set up of data sciences projects.
Alongside Applied Data Science, Politecnico di Milano also created the course Data Science for Business Innovation. The course is specially developed for managers and decision-makers that need to handle the foundations of data analysis for making informed decisions on data-driven business, innovation path and strategies within the enterprise. It consists of introductory lectures spanning big data, machine learning, data valorisation and communication. The course covers terminology and concepts, tools and methods, use cases and success stories of data science applications.
Cybersecurity is pre-eminently a strategic challenge for the boardroom. For this reason, partner Fraunhofer IOSB-INA developed the course Cybersecurity for Industry 4.0. Participants will learn to apply methods of secure communication as a prerequisite for implementing Industry 4.0 use cases such as Condition Monitoring, Plug & Work and Optimization. The security concepts learned will strengthen and sensitize the participants for security-critical processes and enable advanced training.
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 is also part of the executive course Digitalisation and Industry 4.0 in Food Processing both managers in the food industry and ICT- managers had been launched for the first in December 2020 by Campden BRI Hungary, CNR, and ELTE university’s Faculty of Informatics. In an interview with EIT Digital András Sebők, general manager at Campden BRI in Hungary explained that this course is needed in the Food Industry. “Digital transformation is becoming an issue of primary importance in the European food industry. But the problem is the lack of skilled people to make it happen.”
Last but not least, in the EIT Digital Professional School portfolio is the course Product Lifecycle Management. Via this course engineering and IT professionals, PLM and engineering consultants and managers can obtain a personal certificate for PLM Professional. The course learns how to successfully implement PLM solutions and steer PLM projects.
Check all courses and dates on https://professionalschool.eitdigital.eu/professional-courses/