Going to university is a worthy investment but with the escalating costs of higher education, it’s no surprise that students are turning to crowdfunding platforms to finance their degrees.
While far from easy, crowdfunding for university can offer a viable option for students who may have exhausted all other options, such as scholarships and loans.
Numerous reports suggest that students have enjoyed varying degrees of success when it comes to crowdfunding for their degree, but should you go down that road too?
Depending on who you ask, crowdfunding for university can spark different reactions. Some say that it serves as an easy way out of financing studies without putting in ‘hard work’, while advocates claim it serves as a helpful alternative for students to put themselves through university and lessen their debt upon graduating.
Regardless of what others may think, if you’re thinking about crowdfunding for university, you’ll first need to know what it entails. Take our quiz and see how well you fare!
What is crowdfunding?
True or false: Even if you fail to meet your crowdfunding goal, you’ll get to keep all the money raised.
What are some of the common challenges of crowdfunding for university?
How can you create a good crowdfunding pitch to finance your education?
Which of the following may help contribute to a students’ crowdfunding success?
Which of the below is not a common crowdfunding mistake?
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