Art careers that pay well
Directing art is not just a well-paying career but a fulfilling life pursuit. Source: AFP

Brandon Stanton, a photographer and the creator of Humans of New York; Walt Disney, an American animator, film producer, voice actor, and entrepreneur; and Paula Scher, one of the most popular graphic designers in the world. What do these people have in common? Art careers that pay well and a passion for the arts.

They are proof that finding and following your passion can lead to great success in your career. After all, you’re going to spend the majority of your life working, why not use your time and efforts to do something you’re interested in?

As Neil deGrasse Tyson puts it, “Successful people in life create their own love, manufacture their own meaning, and generate their own motivation.”

Art is more rewarding than you think

Deciding on a career path is one of the more difficult, pivotal decisions you can make in your life. While pursuing an art career can be rewarding, it’s also very stressful. It’s hard enough that artists have to deal with people who diminish their work; they constantly have to hear from the naysayers who don’t believe a person can make a living off their creativity.

Family members, friends, or even strangers will come up to you and, although they think they have good intentions, saying things like “wouldn’t it be better to get a real job”, can be very crushing.

Yes, it’s true that when we think about jobs that pay well, we usually think about tech, science, and finance. However, for years, the Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP) has surveyed art programme graduates to see their success in the real world. And the numbers are in:

  • 87% of alumni, between 18 to 64 years old, joined the workforce in September 2022 
  • 75% of arts and design alumni are self-employed
  • 60% of arts and design alumni in the workforce are satisfied with the independent nature of their work
art careers that pay well

Despite an artist’s extensive training, impressive résumé, and time spent creating, people still dare to lowball prices. Source: AFP

Creativity has value — don’t let anyone tell you otherwise

Though these art careers can be fulfilling both financially and personally, some people still think it is not “hard work” and that they can ask artists to do things for free.

When it comes to art, everyone is a critic, falsely giving them free rein to ridicule set prices and counteroffer them to a disrespectful degree.

Despite an artist’s extensive training, impressive résumé, and time spent creating, some still dare to lowball prices.

Some might argue that giving out art for free or cheap presents a chance to put yourself out there. These include networking opportunities, building relationships with future collaborators, gaining exposure to increase your fan base, and spreading your message.

While that is acceptable for beginners, eventually, you should not sell yourself short. This does not only devalue your art but also the market price which is already a problem in the art world.

So, contrary to common misconceptions, there are art careers that pay well; you just need to know where to find them.

10 art careers that pay well

Visual effects (VFX) artist

Average median annual salary: US$108,000

As modern-day movies heavily rely on computer-generated imagery (CGI), it is a VFX artist’s job to enhance the film and make it as immersive as possible by applying digital compositing, animation, rotoscoping, simulating, and many other visual tricks.

Using a combination of technical and artistic skills, subjects like alien terrains, enormous crowd scenes, or flying superheroes blasting lasers about can be brought to the screen.

Being a VFX artist in countries like Australia, Canada, India, the UK, and the US might be beneficial and pay well since many production companies are situated there.

However, with reports of crunch, daily overtime, and contract exploitations, working as a VFX artist, especially in Hollywood, might not be worth the paycheck.

art careers that pay well

SFX artists are one of the art careers that pay well in the film industry. Source: AFP

Special effects artist

Average median annual salary: US$63,000

In contrast to VFX, special effects (SFX) artists create practical on-set enhancements that can serve the story. Examples include controlled explosions for action scenes, designing alien suits, control puppetry, and many more.
These realistic-looking parts are key to a film, hence being one of the most in-demand art careers that pay well in the industry.

SFX artists work with a team of artists from various departments. But they are the ones responsible for making sure the effects are aligned with the narrative impact of a production.

Art consultant 

Average median annual salary: US$45,000

An art consultant is a professional who advises clients on purchasing artwork for aesthetic or decorative purposes.

Whether for personal use or corporations, art consultants find suitable pieces for unoccupied physical spaces to bring life to the area.

To know which artwork goes well with each other, an art consultant should always be aware of current trends and have an acute sense of artistic touch.

Though the annual salary might not be as high as others, being an art consultant can be a freelance job on top of your main one, adding more to your income.

Fine artist 

Average median annual salary: US$53,000

Also known as visual arts, a fine artist can work in various art forms depending on their expertise. From painting to sculpting to wood carving and more, a fine artist either crafts objects that are functional or solely for decorative purposes.

They also use a variety of materials, such as blown glass vases, ceramic cookware, and knitted clothing, to make their work more visually appealing and aesthetically pleasing.

While being a fine artist does not always guarantee a steady paycheck, you can charge a hefty price depending on the project, thus making it one of the art careers that pay well.

art careers that pay well

Muralists are usually contracted privately or hired by large public organisations, making them one of the few art careers that pay well. Source: AFP

Mural artist 

Average median annual salary: USD$55,000

Mural artists create large artwork on walls and ceilings using various painting techniques and styles.
There are three main types of mural art; digital, fresco, and graffiti, each giving different styles and effects.

Muralists are usually contracted privately or hired by public organisations like restaurants, zoos, libraries, and even hotels and apartment complexes to make their buildings look livelier.

Like fine artists, their salary depends on a project, getting paid per square foot. So, the bigger the space, the more they get paid.

art careers that pay well

Animators with specialised skills in 3D animation or motion capture can ask for even higher salaries. Source: AFP


Average median annual salary: USD$70,375

An animator brings characters and stories to life using 2D and 3D animation, motion graphics, cut-out animation and more.

They create visually appealing and emotionally engaging sequences — think Castle in the Sky by Hayao Miyazaki or Steven Universe by Rebecca Rea Sugar.

If you’re looking for dynamic art careers that pay well, then an animator is the right role for you.
Animators working in high-demand industries like film, television, video games, and digital media often have higher earning potential.

Additionally, those with specialised skills in 3D animation or motion capture can ask for even higher salaries.

art careers that pay well

An industrial designer is a mix between an artist and an engineer, making them art careers that pay well. Source: AFP

Industrial designer

Average median annual salary: USD$86,117

Every product in the world was once an idea from someone.

From electronics to furniture, automobiles to medical devices, these products have undergone meticulous design processes to go from an idea to being produced in the hundreds of thousands.

Enter the industrial designer, a mix between an artist and an engineer. 

Industrial designers first research the latest trends and user preferences before using visual models or computer-aided designs (CAD) to bring their ideas to life.

Their invention must find the balance between aesthetics, functionality, sustainability, and commercial viability to create a successful product for today’s market.

Art director

Average median annual salary: USD$146,671

Art directors are the brains behind how a product is styled.

They determine the pictures, art, and other design elements to use when promoting the product across various types of media, including newspapers and television productions.

Most art directors have a bachelor’s degree in an art or design subject and started in another art-related occupation before working their way up to a director-level role.

Art professor

Average median annual salary: USD$110,555

If you’re interested in both teaching and the arts, you can combine your passions and become an art professor.

Like normal art teachers, art professors teach aspiring artists the required basics, for example colour theory, composition, and design rules.

However, a master’s, PhD, and a postdoctoral degree in the arts are often necessary to work in this field. 

art careers that pay well

An illustrator’s earnings are affected by the industry they work for. Source: AFP


Average median annual salary: USD$53,863

Like artists, illustrators tell stories with pictures.

They specialise in children’s books or editorial illustration, with their work being featured in books, newspapers, magazines and advertisements.

An illustrator’s earnings are affected by the industry they work for. For example, illustrators who work in the film industry, creating storyboards, tend to earn a higher pay.