One of the best parts of university is the clubs and societies you get to choose from and participate in in your spare time on-campus.
This isn’t just a great way to meet like-minded people who share similar interests as you, but also a chance to grow your network and pick up a new skill or two in the process.
But gone are the days when university societies were limited to traditional clubs that either fall within sports or music; these days, you’re bound to find something to suit your interests, no matter how quirky!
We’ve compiled some of the weirdest student clubs available in universities today:
Assassins’ Guild – University of Cambridge
This prestigious university may attract some of the world’s brightest students, but that doesn’t mean they don’t know how to have fun or showcase a sense of humour.
According to its website, Cambridge’s Assassins’ Guild is “a student-run society which aims to engage players in a game of mock assassination across Cambridge in the spirit of fun and frivolity. It is in no way a society of actual assassins. (Apparently we have to clarify this…)”.
The club appears to be popular – on average, there are more than 100 players in each game, giving students an opportunity to let their hair lose, blow off some steam and pretend to kill each other – all for free.
The Cakefaeries, Hunts and Duels’ (In)visibility and Education Network – University of Cambridge
Source: Giphy
Here’s another one from Cambridge! If you love baking, buying or giving cakes to people, this is the club for you.
As the website notes: “Our CakeFaeries give each other the Surprise Cake of Morale-Boosting, especially at the start of the year and during the exam months.” However, all the baking/buying/delivering of cakes is done on a voluntary basis. Members also run icebreaker events all year round such as CakeFaerie Hunts (Scavenger Hunts, Egg Hunts and Treasure Hunts), as well as CakeFaerie Duels and Battles with water pistols.
The club claims to be 100 percent harmless and friendly, but perhaps not so much on one’s sugar levels.
The Squirrel Club – University of Michigan
Squirrels may be rodents, but it’s easy to look past that fact as they are incredibly cute!
The Squirrel Club brings together students alumni, and members of the community every Sunday during the fall and winter semesters to feed squirrels. What’s unique about this club is that anyone is welcome to come to a meeting, regardless of whether they’re a member or not.
They also sell t-shirts, with proceeds going towards peanuts that are passed out at meetings, mainly to feed the squirrels.
Robotics Society – University of Plymouth
Source: Giphy
Do you have a love for robots and would love to join a club of like-minded people who share the same fierce, eternal passion for them as you?
While unorthodox, students at Plymouth merge their love of building robots and football to engineer some pretty cool small-sized humanoid robots that play against each other. What’s impressive is that “the hardware and software is designed and developed by a team of students and staff from computing, electronics, mechanics and robotics with the aim of winning international robot sport competitions”, notes its website.
Back in 2012, the Plymouth Humanoids became the first ever UK team to compete in the RoboCup Humanoid league – the robotic equivalent to the football World Cup. Jaw dropping.
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