How to write a successful CV
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Here’s one thing we know for sure: applying for jobs can be downright daunting. Normally, an applicant is asked to submit a CV and Cover Letter as their application, and that’s it – two documents, comprising of roughly two pages, in which you must make a really good impression and stand out above the rest.


…Said no one…EVER!

Fear not! Free those CV worries because at last, help is at hand.

Here are our Top Tips for creating a clean, well-put together CV. This might be your only shot – so be sure to make it count!

Include all the basic information

This might seem obvious, but it can be easy to forget to add vital information to your CV. Your name and current contact information should be at the top in the header. Below that, be sure to list your education background and qualification, relevant work experience, interests, skills or any hobbies you have that are relevant to the job. If you’ve done something else that doesn’t fit one of those categories but is still relevant, include it! Anything that can boost your experience, interest or knowledge for a potential job should be on your CV. Are you applying for a job with headquarters in Spain and you studied abroad there whilst at university? Add it to your CV!

Keep it clean!

You could have a great CV with all the experience and proper qualifications, but if it looks bad, it’s headed straight for the bin. Having a clean and easy format is key to success. Make sure the text is justified, your bullet points line up throughout the document and the spacing and font are consistent. These days, basic computer skills are a must for any job.

Your CV presents an opportunity for you to show your skills in basic programmes like Microsoft Word. If you say you’re a pro at Microsoft Office, but the layout of your CV is a bit wonky, employers will think you are probably, um….lying!

If you’re a designer, for example, your CV should be seen as an extension of your portfolio, so add some sophisticated personal style. But on the same note – don’t go getting too fancy! Remember to keep it clean and easy on the eyes!

Two pages, max.

Most people would love to add every single slice of work experience they’ve had, every single skill they possess, every happy holiday they’ve taken…you get the idea. To be honest though, most employers don’t care at all about that.

It’s best to keep your CV clear and concise, without rambling too much. Two pages, maximum, are best. Anything longer than that and you risk losing the attention of the person reading it. Or if there was a huge response to a job posting, if it’s too long, your application might be thrown out without consideration. Employers are always looking for easy ways to cut down huge piles of applications, so don’t give them an excuse to push yours aside!

Keep it current

Keeping your CV up-to-date and current is just as important as the actual information and experience you have listed. What if you apply for a job with a CV you created a year ago and you forgot to add your most recent work experience? Employers will be wondering about the gap in your work history and what you’ve been doing for the past year.

What if you change your email address or phone number but forget to update your contact information? You might actually be contacted for an interview, but you would never know! Be sure to add any new experiences, skills and contact information before applying for a position.

Tailor your CV for each position

Not every job you apply for will be the same. Yes, they may all be within the same field, but not every company is looking for the same qualities and skills from potential candidates. Be sure to tailor your CV to each specific job you apply for. One employer might appreciate your language skills, but another might prefer to learn about your experience with Adobe Photoshop. Take time to read the job posting and learn about the company so you can tweak your CV to make it more appealing for each position.

Fill in the blanks where you can

If you have any experience or work history that doesn’t fit into the main categories you have listed, write a short blurb about it. If you’ve spent the past year travelling the world, say it! Write a short note at the top of your CV, explaining what you’ve been up to and the skills you acquired along the way. Your CV is your opportunity to grab an amployer’s attention and help them learn more about you. If someone has more questions than answers after reading your CV, something is missing. Take the opportunity to fill in any blanks in your work history or personal life – if it’s relevant of course!

So, there you have it. Master these few CV tips and you’ll have that job in the bag!

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