Volunteering is one possible CAS project for IB students. Source: AFP/Mike Carlson
The Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) project is one of the three core components of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.
Students must participate in at least one CAS project. This endeavour should based on “real, purposeful activities”, have significant outcomes, be personally challenging and require “thoughtful consideration”. It takes place alongside academic studies as a counterbalance. Though it’s not formally assessed, students reflect on their CAS experiences as part of the DP. They also have to show they have achieved the seven learning outcomes for CAS.
CAS projects are not prescribed by the exam board so each student will have to come up with specific projects or activities on their own. It’s a personal journey of self-discovery. Take our quiz to find out which strand will be both challenging and enjoyable for you:
1. Which of the following best describes you?
Zhen Hu on Unsplash
2. What would you rather be doing after school hours?
Dimitri Bång on Unsplash
3. Do you find music, theatre and dance appealing?
Samuel Sianipar on Unsplash
4. Would you volunteer for a personal challenge that involves spending a few hours in physical training each day?
Chen Hu on Unsplash
5. Which of the following do you agree with?
Kat Yukawa on Unsplash
QUIZ: What should you do for your IB CAS project?
For the talented artists amongst us, a Creativity project would be the best fit. Whether it's dance, song or something else, these projects can start meaningful conversations about two real-world issues. Need some inspo? Some IB DP students at several United Nations International Schools (UNIS) in New York produced and performed a play to raise awareness about mass incarceration. Let your artistry flow free!
You're all about physical activity contributing to a healthy lifestyle. Activity projects usually involve sports and competitions, but that's not all. It can also be about overcoming a personal fear, like rock climbing. One student in Australia chose to be a youth soccer coach, a perfect role to showcase initiative, perseverance and other skills like problem-solving and decision-making - all of which CAS challenges students strive to achieve.
Serving society's greater good is what you feel most strongly about. It's a noble gesture, no doubt. Try researching issues that afflict your local community - that was what DP students in the US state of Indiana did before organising a huge recycling drive to help an IB World School in Flint during the water crisis. Other options include voluntary and unpaid exchanges as well as stints with charitable organisations.
Ambition is your middle name. Rather than addressing just one strand, you would like to cover two or all three strands of creativity, activity and service. Examples for this include coaching a disabled group for a Paralympic-like event (Activity & Service), giving concerts to old folks homes (Creativity & Service) or putting together a dance marathon to raise money for a special cause (Creativity, Activity & Service). The possibilities are endless - don't miss out on any opportunities that come your way!