Here’s some welcome Japan border updates for international students: the country is reportedly considering easing entry restrictions on international students through a separate quota, reported The Japan News.
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is expected to make an announcement today on an increase in the number of new entries per day from 5,000 to 7,000, said the Mainichi.
政府、1日の入国者総数を5000人から7000人に緩和へ | 毎日新聞
The Japanese government will increase the number of new entries per day from 5000 to 7000, and it will be announced tomorrow by the Prime Minister Kishida!
👇— Davide Rossi🐌 – (@rossi_davide) March 2, 2022
The government previously announced that from March 1, 2022, the country will ease COVID-19 border controls, which includes increasing the daily cap on the number of people allowed to enter Japan from 3,500 to 5,000 per day, and reducing or exempting quarantine periods for Japanese and foreign nationals.
Me: I’m giving up on Japan, I’m gonna take that nice apartment in Brussels.
Japan: wait! We’re opening up!
Me: oh ok. Sure maybe I can still go then. What’s the plan?
Japan: …
Me + Japan= most toxic relationship ever #setmefree #japantravelban
— iku tree (@IkuTree) February 22, 2022
Many international students are disappointed with the 5,000 cap and felt that it would take them too long to return.
Over 100,000 foreign students are believed to have had their student visas approved but have not yet been able to enter Japan, said The Japan News, adding that the government deemed that the relaxed measures that started Tuesday are insufficient.
Regarding the separate quota, international students will be allowed to enter even if the number of people expected to enter the country has reached the set daily limit. The new entry quota for students will be determined after examining the capacity of airport quarantine systems, among other factors, said the report.