We have never been more distracted while studying and at work. If you identify, fear not, for we have a solution on how to focus on studying in the age of hyper digital distraction.
Angry Study Helper is a Chrome extension that shows an angry man yelling at you whenever you open a new tab. Here’s how it works: sfter setting your initial tabs for studying, you can activate the extension. If you open any beyond those initial tab, this angry man yells at you. Think of him as an overbearing Asian parent lurking over you while you revise.
The yelling man used on the extension originated from a video on YouTube called “Humiliating is also not the word… Beyond everything… Man City 6 vs Chelsea 0” by Angry Rantman. Originally, the man in the video is ranting over his disappointment over Chelsea losing 6-0 to Manchester City, but thanks to developertala, Angry Rantman’s somewhat motivational anger helps students around the world from distraction.
How to focus on studying: Why it pays to learn this
Distractions are costly, especially during classes (that your parents have invested a lot of money in) and before a test. Distraction makes you lose focus on any crucial details that you might need for your assignment and exam.
The last thing you want is to blank out during your test because you spent five hours going down the rabbit hole of YouTube the night before. It’s really for the best to abstain yourself from these digital temptations and get some real work done.
If you seek a more serious alternative, Cold Turkey is a website blocker that aims to get rid of daily distractions. It allows users to block certain sites or allow a few exceptions, block certain files, games or apps, schedule blocks and provide statistics on what websites you visit the most.
The premium version costs US$39.00, which unlocks more features. Cold Turkey is also able to hard lock your settings after you set up the blocker, forcing users to follow the rules and not cheat themselves with distractions.