So much is being said about entrepreneurship and equipping students with the skills needed to succeed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Unsurprisingly, universities are offering programmes in anticipation of jobs in the field.
While the thought of starting your own business can sound like the ultimate dream (what’s not to love about being your own boss and having creative control over the outcomes of your product or service?), there’s so much involved behind the scenes before a business can rocket towards success.
But before you get carried away by the prospects of becoming the next Elon Musk or Steve Jobs, how well do you know your facts about entrepreneurship? Here’s a quiz to test your knowledge:
1. An entrepreneur…

2. What are some of the ideal qualities of an entrepreneur?

3. What’s the difference between an intrapreneur and an entrepreneur?

4. What are some of the sources of entrepreneurial finance?

5. Reports suggests that as many as 90 percent of start-ups fail. What are some of the common reasons entrepreneurs fail?

6. Harry has created a new fizzy drink he thinks will be the next big thing. He wants to protect his brand, ‘Hoca-Pola’, as well as the formula, packaging art and design of the bottle. What type of intellectual property (IP) rights can Harry use to protect his invention?

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