Think you’re an ambivert? These are the signs and perfect careers for you

inner peace
Do you have an ambivert personality? The best careers for you may surprise you. Source: AFP

One moment, you’re the life of the party and the next, you are ready to go home and spend time alone. If this sounds all too familiar, you may have an ambivert personality.

But it’s much too simplistic to describe you as someone who floats between two extremes of the introvert versus extrovert spectrum.

The stereotype for an ambivert personality goes something like this: You’re energised by the outside for one half of your life and energised by your inner world for the other half of your life.

That’s just some confusing math. Which “half” are we referring to here? Must it be evenly split? Can’t it be more fluid?

It’s hard to answer these questions — and the reason lies in this one fact: there are just so many things that make us us.

An ambivert personality is as multi-faceted as an extrovert and introvert. Defining one is like defining a fingerprint, which is unique to each of us, but experts believe there are a few traits that define an ambivert personality.

inner peace

Cafes can sometimes be great but sometimes totally not for your ambivert personality. Source: AFP

What is an ambivert personality?

An ambivert is someone who is in between an introvert and an extrovert.

While introverts prefer time to themselves and extroverts feel energised by spending time with others, an ambivert can exhibit a blend of both of these characteristics depending on their mood or the social setting. 

Some days, you may feel eager to contribute to team meetings and share your ideas and other days you may feel more reserved, hoping to work independently. Someone with this personality may thrive in a work environment that allows them to switch between the two.

It’s like being a social chameleon, adapting to different situations. For instance, imagine going to a big conference. If you’re an ambivert, you might enjoy chatting and mingling with people, but after a while, you might feel the need to step outside for a breather or spend some quiet time alone. 

It’s all about finding a balance between socialising and alone time, depending on the situation and your mood.

Perhaps that’s the core of being an ambivert: the flexibility to switch between different social modes. You can shine in group activities and thrive in solitude, depending on what feels right at the moment. 

So, if you sometimes feel like being the centre of attention and at other times prefer a quiet night at home, you most likely have an ambivert personality.

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An introvert is someone who enjoys time on their own and prefers individual work. Source: AFP

Benefits of having an ambivert personality

Having an ambivert personality comes with some benefits. That includes:

1. You can adapt — easily

If extroverts are social butterflies, you’re a social chameleon. You can easily flex to different situations and people. Imagine you’re at work, and you need to give a presentation. Your ambivert nature allows you to confidently speak in front of a group and connect with your colleagues. 

2. You communicate well

Ambiverts tend to be excellent communicators because they can connect with different types of people thanks to their deep understanding of both introverts and extroverts. 

3. You’re calm

Balancing social activities and alone time can reduce stress. Picture a week where you have a mix of social events and peaceful evenings at home. This lets you recharge and stay mentally and emotionally healthy.

4. You’re a good friend

Ambiverts often have a better understanding of people’s needs and feelings. This empathy can make you an excellent friend. You can relate to their need for both emotional support and space.

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Extroverts enjoy the spotlight on them and are usually the life of the party. Source: AFP

8 signs you have an ambivert personality 

An ambivert personality offers the best and worst of both worlds. You have the social skills of extroverts and the introspective nature of introverts, making you adaptable, empathetic and well-rounded. 

Sometimes, however, these two sides may clash. More downsides? Some people may see you as unpredictable or inconsistent.

1. You enjoy being with people and with yourself 

You love spending time with friends, family and strangers, but you also cherish those quiet moments by yourself, like reading a book or walking in the park. Statistics suggest that ambiverts find a balance, spending about 50% of their time with others and 50% alone.

2. Flexible in social situations

You can flex to different social situations. Whether it’s a lively party or an intimate dinner, you feel comfortable and can have a good time. 

3. Good listener and speaker

This will make you an outstanding employee in today’s workplaces, especially in high-skilled roles.  You’re not only great at expressing your thoughts but also at listening to others.

You can engage in meaningful conversations and offer valuable insights, making you a well-rounded communicator.

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Ambiverts have high levels of empathy as they are able to understand people well. Source: AFP

4. Empathetic

You’re sensitive to the needs and emotions of those around you. Sometimes you think you feel too much but this sensitivity can be good. For example, if a friend is going through a tough time, you know how to offer comfort or give them space, depending on what they need most.

5. Adaptive social roles

At home or at work, you often find yourself holding diverse responsibilities. It’s like being an actor who can play different roles.

6. Good decision-maker

Ambiverts tend to make well-considered decisions. When facing choices, you’re not too impulsive or overly cautious. Instead, you weigh the pros and cons, often leading to better outcomes.

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Ambiverts gather energy from both social settings and from being alone. Source: AFP

7. Handle stress well

Since your life is all about balance, this lets you experience life’s extremities well, keeping stress at bay. Ambiverts often have lower stress levels compared to extreme introverts or extroverts.

8. Different friend groups

Your friend circle includes both extroverts and introverts. You can enjoy a night out with your extrovert buddies and also have deep one-on-one conversations with your introverted friends.

Best careers for an ambivert personality

When choosing a career path, companies consider your personality and so should you.

While we all think the best person for the job is those who can perform the duties, the truth is a lot of roles today require workers to take on multiple tasks.

Being able to juggle them requires soft skills, but also whether your personality fits the role. 

At the end of the day, the best career for you is one that suits your preferences and working style. 

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Teaching is one of the best jobs for ambiverts as it offers a blend of socialising and individual work. Source: AFP

1. Teacher

Teaching is undoubtedly one of the best careers for someone with an ambivert personality. Picture yourself in a classroom, guiding students and engaging with their questions.

But there’s more to it. When you’re creating lesson plans, grading assignments, or even preparing for classes, you get that much-needed alone time to recharge.

It’s a blend of social interaction and solitary work.

2. Registered nurse

Becoming a registered nurse is a profession — that pays well — where you’ll balance caring for patients and handling the essential administrative aspects of healthcare.

Your day starts with comforting patients (from an increasingly diverse range of backgrounds), giving medication and assisting with medical tests, which plays to your extroverted strengths.

But as an ambivert, you’ll also appreciate the quieter moments, like ensuring medical equipment functions correctly and managing medical records. 

Whether you’re meeting with patients’ families, creating nursing care plans or discussing healthy habits with patients, nursing offers a blend of social interaction and independent responsibilities.

3. Psychologist 

Think of a career as a psychologist as a blend of science, empathy and understanding all in one. 

You’ll conduct interviews, observe patients, and provide essential guidance — which feed your people-centred, extroverted side.

When you’re analysing their research findings and writing about their results, you’ll be doing tasks that cater to your introverted traits. 

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Surprisingly, ambiverts thrive in careers as a salesperson as it provides a blend of tasks. Source: AFP

4. Salesperson

This may come as a surprise, but the job of a salesperson isn’t only for extroverts. In fact, ambiverts can thrive in this line. 

As a salesperson, your job is to sell to people the products and services they need. You’ll use your friendly, outgoing side to build conversations and rapport with potential customers.

These are strangers and your assertiveness will give you an edge. Meanwhile, your good listening skills will help you close a sale.

Your introverted tendencies can also come into play when you have to analyse customers, track data and craft sales strategies. 

5. Paralegal 

A career as a paralegal might be the perfect path for you if you have an ambivert personality. Picture this: as a paralegal, you’ll be the legal detective who assists lawyers in completing their tasks. You’ll help lawyers prepare for court, gather evidence, and delve into case research. 

This job offers the perfect balance between working alone and socialising. When you interview witnesses or collaborate with lawyers, your social skills take the front seat. You’ll be the friendly face that clients rely on. 

When it’s time for independent work, like legal research, document preparation, and proofreading, you will be able to work alone.

Lawyers need to listen to both sides while guiding and shaping the conversation. This job lets you showcase your adaptability and excel in a profession that balances the need for social interaction and independent work.