“Social Media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice to anyone willing to engage.” – Amy Jo Martin
The social media phenomenon has revolutionised the world. Since the humble first days of blogging – with Links.net, a project launched by Swarthmore College student, Justin Hall, in 1994 generally being recognised as the first ever published blog – social sites have taken the digital realm by storm, allowing us to share, connect and manoeuvre modern life in ways we never could have dreamed of before.
And after blogging became a recognised ‘thing’, the world’s online population swelled from the low millions into the steady billions. Not a day goes by without some form of interaction with a social platform, whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat or LinkedIn.
“In today’s world, social media is a must,” writes Alex Khan, the social media coach. “There is actually no future without it,” he adds. “Business, in all forms, in every type of industry has a social media presence. Why?
“…simply because social media is used by billions of people! Facebook alone has 1.71 billion monthly active users,” the expert explains. “In 2018, it is estimated that active social media users will be at 2.5 billion…. Life, as we speak, is continuously improving with the help of technology, and if you don’t adapt, you will be left behind.”
At the heart of the online social movement lies the social media professional, often considered the ‘missing link’ between the business and consumer. These are the people who create, communicate and deliver valued products, using various online tools to elucidate, elevate and validate the brand. For those keen to pursue a career in this lucrative field, a qualification in Social Media Marketing will grant them with skills needed to thrive.
Promising a practical focus and flexible online delivery, Australian Vocational Learning Centre (AVLC) embodies your first step to success in this sought-after career. If you’re looking to hone your social media prowess at an institution overseas, here are 6 reasons for you to choose AVLC’s innovative Diploma of Social Media Marketing:
- Learn to digitally engage, blog and effectively navigate social media…
Five core units serve as the backbone of this programme, designed to build a firm foundation in the global online forum. You will learn how to master major mainstream social platforms and you will get to grips with those considered niche social platform that are steadily on the rise, developing fluency in the use of 15 global sites.
Through a blend of compulsory and elective units, you will soon be able to plan, implement and manage blogs, marketing content and social media strategies, as well as design, draft and automate email messages in order to steer the internet in the most profitable way.
- Uncover your unique, personal brand…
As Tom Peters writes in The Brand Called You: “All of us need understand the importance of branding”.
“We are all CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc,” he adds. “To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.”
Since the personal brand has become an integral part of online marketing practices, AVLC places heavy emphasis on your own digital presence, allowing you to build your social following and engagement long before you enter the business sector.
- Explore exciting digital concepts…
AVLC’s carefully structured units have been designed to bring you up to speed with existing industry practices. The best thing about this programme is that it perfectly straddles the border between the traditional and digital.
Above all else, this is incredibly empowering for the aspiring social marketing professional, allowing them to understand how social media rose to global prominence, while offering the insight needed predict future movements as the global online market continues to evolve.
- Interpret key trends and master the industry…
Chris Lynch, ex-CEO of Vertica Systems once said that, “Big data is at the foundation of all the megatrends that are happening today…”
Data is now viewed as the corporation’s greatest asset, with the ability to monitor, analyse and interpret information efficiently and productively, key to determining a company’s success. As such, AVLC allows students to grasp how data and analytics can be captured through the social sphere, giving them the power to evaluate key trends through careful observation of market fluctuations.
- Hone your business skills through financial planning modules…
This Diploma instils students with an extensive range of business-centred expertise that can be transferred to multiple corporate sectors, ensuring that opportunities remain abundant throughout their graduate careers. Units in financial planning and budget management grant the talent needed to allocate marketing assets and expenses, leaving you both adept and sought-after as you cruise through graduate life.
- Prepare for success in an entry-level position…
Upon completion of this Diploma, you’ll leave readily-prepared to flourish in higher education or throughout your entry-level position. Here, you will gain skills and knowledge that you will soon find are fundamental to a broad spectrum of careers, granting you a platform from which to thrive in virtually any global sector.
It was best-selling author Eric Qualman who said that we don’t have a choice whether we do social media, but rather that the question is how well we do it. It’s about harnessing big data, and of course communication, to interact and engage with the contemporary world – and AVLC is a college that helps you do it best.
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